iJ. Table specification data - The coded representation from which the tables used in the encoder and decoder are generated.
ik. Terminating code word - Huffman code word used for run lengths of less than 64 pixels. Each encoded run length stream must end with a terminating code word.
il. Tile - (See block).
im. Traffic - 1. The information moved over a communication channel. 2. A quantitative measurement of the total messages and their length, expressed in hundred call-seconds or other units, during a specified period of time.
in. Transparent Pixel - A fill pixel within an image block. Transparent pixels are recorded/transmitted to ensure that each block is filled with contiguous pixel values, but should be interpreted as having no meaning.
io. Transparent Pixel Mask - A data structure which identifies recorded/transmitted image blocks which contain transparent pixels. The transparent pixel mask allows the application to easily identify blocks which require special interpretation due to transparent pixel content.
ip. (Uniform) quantization - For the purpose of MIL-STD-188-198A (JPEG), the procedure by which DCT coefficients are scaled linearly to achieve compression.
iq. Validity - Validity provides a means of identifying those portions of a message known to contain possible errors.
ir. Vector graphics - A computer graphics image technique that codes only the image as a series of lines, according to the Cartesian coordinates of the lines' origins and terminations.
is. Vector Quantization - A compression technique in which many groups of pixels in an image are replaced by a smaller number image codes. A clustering technique is used to develop a codebook of "best fit" pixel groups to be represented by the codes. Compression is achieved because the image codes can be recorded using fewer bits than the original groups of pixels they represent.
it. Virtual Device Coordinates (VDC) - The VDC space defines a coordinate system that is overlaid onto an image to which CGM elements are referenced.
iu. Voice grade - In the public regulated services, a service described by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, part 68. Note: The term does not imply any specific signaling or required supervisory scheme.
iv. Wideband - (synonym of broadband) 1. An imprecise designation of a signal that occupies a broad frequency spectrum. Note: This term is often used to distinguish it from
narrowband signal, where both terms are subJectively defined relative to the implied context. 2. That property of any circuit having a bandwidth wider than normal for the type of circuit, frequency of operation, and type of modulation carried. Note: The term has many meanings depending upon
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