fu. National Television Systems Committee (NTSC) - The North American standard for the generation, transmission, and reception of television communication wherein the 525-line picture is the standard. Note 1: The picture information is transmitted in AM and the sound information is transmitted in FM. Compatible with CCIR Standard M. Note 2: This standard is used also in Central America, a number of South American countries, and some Asian countries, including Japan.
fv. Negative-acknowledge character (NAK) - A transmission control character sent by a station as a negative response to the station with which the connection has been set up. Note 1: In binary synchronous communication protocol, used to indicate that an error was detected in the previously received block and that the receiver is ready to accept retransmission of the erroneous block. Note 2: In multipoint systems, used as the not-ready reply to a poll.
fw. Neighborhood - An 8x8 blocked region of pixels.
fx. Network - 1. An interconnection of three or more communicating entities and
(usually) one or more nodes. 2. A combination of passive or active electronic components that serves a given purpose.
fy. Network layer - Layer three in the ISO OSI Reference Model. The role of the network layer is to transfer packets from their source node to their destination node by hopping through the intermediate nodes.
fz. NITF message - A persistent sequence of bytes that has a structure consistent with the
NITF definition.
ga. NITF Reliable Transfer Server (NRTS) - The entity in the layer responsible for delivering message segments over one hop, from the source system to the destination(s) for that hop.
gb. NITF Transfer Protocol (NITFTP) - The peer protocol used for end-to-end transfer of
NITF messages when they might have to be relayed via intermediate NITF systems.
gc. Node - 1. In network topology, a terminal of any branch of a network or an interconnection common to two or more branches of a network. 2. In a switched network, one of the switches forming the network backbone. 3. A technical control facility (TCF). 4. A point in a standing or stationary wave at which the amplitude is a minimum.
gd. Non-differential frame - The first frame for any components in a hierarchical encoder or decoder. The components are encoded or decoded without subtraction from reference components. The term refers also to any frame in modes other than the hierarchical mode.
ge. Non-interleaved - The descriptive term applied to the data unit processing sequence when the scan has only one component.
gf. NM - The code used to indicate a masked, non-compressed image in the Image
Compression (IC) field of the image subheader.
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