gg. Object code - The output from an assembler or compiler. Compare source code.
gh. Object notations - A predefined set of graphics and symbols which are stored in a data
gi. Octet - A byte of eight binary digits usually operated upon as an entity.
gj. Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) - A logical structure for network operations standardized within the ISO; a seven-layer network architecture being used for the definition of network protocol standards to enable any OSI-compliant computer or device to communicate with any other OSI-compliant computer or device for a meaningful exchange of information.
valid data.
gk. Optional - In the context of NITF, a data field that must be present, but may not have
gl. Packet - In data communication, a sequence of binary digits, including data and control signals, that is transmitted and switched as a composite whole. The data, control signals, and possibly error control information are arranged in a specific format.
gm. Parameter K - Parameter used for two-dimensional coding of the bi-level data. Specifies that every K line will be coded one-dimensionally. After the Kth line has been coded one- dimensionally, the subsequent K-1 lines will be coded two-dimensionally.
gn. Parameters - Fixed length integers four, eight, or 16 bits in length, used in the compressed data formats.
go. Parity - In binary-coded systems, the oddness or evenness of the number of ones in a finite binary stream. Note: By the addition of one extra bit, a bit stream can be forced to a specified parity state. This is often used as a simple error-detection check and will detect (but not correct) the occurrences of any single bit error in the field.
gp. Physical layer - Layer one in the ISO OSI Reference Model. The role of the physical layer is that of raw transmission of unformatted information.
gq. Pixel - For the purpose of NITFS, the smallest element from an N band image. Each pixel consists of N samples taken from corresponding locations in each of the image bands. For a single band image, sample and pixel can be used interchangeably.
gr. Pointer - An address that tells a program where to find something. gs. Point transform - Scaling of a sample or DCT coefficient.
gt. Point-to-point link - A data communications link connecting only two stations.
gu. Port - For the NITFS, the identifier that transport protocols use to distinguish among multiple destinations in a host computer.
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