e. The principal digits and the direction will be in 10 point News
Gothic Condensed all other digits will be 6 Point News Gothic Condensed.
3.10.9 Grid labeling (interior). Interior ticks at intersections of
grid lines will not be labeled in any manner.
3.10.10 Notes (grid system). Explanation of the grid system and data
pertaining to the major grid will be shown on all charts as follows: Grid caution note. The following note referring to the
convergence between grid north and true north will be shown on all charts that
have military grid ticks. This note will apply equally to all grids shown as
ticks regardless of the projection used. The following note will be shown in
the same color as the primary grid:
Grid lines constructed by connecting border ticks are not true North and
South. The resulting UTM grid is NOT to be used for navigation. It is
designed to facilitate reporting of positions in accordance with the Military
Grid Reference System (MGRS).
Figure 1.
Grid caution note.
If the grid is not a UTM grid, replace "UTM" in the above note with
the proper name of the grid (i.e. BN, ITM). Grid reference box. Each chart with a grid overprint will
contain a grid reference box with instructions and pertinent data for
composing standard grid references. Appropriate information as shown in the
grid boxes illustrated on the style sheets (see APPENDICES A and B) will be
used on all charts that have grid ticks. For charts with only border ticks
the wording will be changed to read: "To form 10,000 meter squares, join the
ticks on neatlines with straight line segments." No overlapping grid (blue)
information will be shown inside the Grid Reference Box if the grid junction
falls outside chart limits. See APPENDIX A for an example of a grid box with
no overlapping grid, and APPENDIX B for an example of a grid box with an
overlapping grid. Sample point. A sample point is a point or object shown on
the chart whose grid coordinates are given in the grid reference box to assist
in the explanation of the Grid Reference System. Only one sample point and
note will be used on each chart even though more than one plan or chart is
printed inside a common border. The chart or plan on which the sample point
falls will be indicated e.g. MAST (PLAN B) PG417590 in purple type. The
sample point selected should be an easily identified, permanent point not
subject to change by weekly Notice to Mariners.
3.10.11 Gisement. On gridded nautical charts, when necessary because
of a special requirement, a gisement (grid declination) will be computed and
placed on the chart according to the following:
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