meridians shown on the chart shall be labeled. Graticule lines should be
matched to a standard increment of latitude and longitude along the border.
For example, if the border is to be labeled every five minutes, the interior
graticule lines should be shown at an increment that can be divided by five.
If the border is to be labeled every thirty minutes, the graticule lines
should be shown at an increment that can be divided by thirty minutes.
Preference should be given to increments that include whole degrees.
3.9.4 Projection lineweights. Lineweights for the graticule are 0.13
mm (0.005 in.). See Section 3.11.36 and APPENDIX C for detailed information
on border styles.
3.9.5 Graticules on insets. Graticules shall be shown on insets
(small, medium, or large scale) based on the size of the inset. If the inset
is larger than 11.25 cm (4.5") square then at least one set of latitude and
longitude lines should be shown. The logic that is used for graticule lines
on the main body of the chart also holds for insets, with the exception that
if the inset is of a small size (less than 11.25 cm or 4.5" square) the
graticule lines can be eliminated.
Grid reference systems
3.10.1 Portrayal requirements. All nautical charts at scales from
1:25,000 to 1:300,000 will carry a UTM or other appropriate grid. For further
information on UTM and other grids, see DMA TM 8358.1.
3.10.2 Grid line spacing.
Grid ticks, or if a special requirement
dictates grid lines, shall be spaced according to TABLE 1. The grid, however,
must not be so closely spaced as to detract from the chart information, or
spaced so far apart as to be inconvenient when locating points.
Larger than 1:25,000
1:25,000 - 1:45,000
5,000 meters
1:45,001 - 1:95,000
10,000 meters
1:95,001 - 1:199,999
20,000 meters
1:200,000 - 1:300,000
50,000 meters
1:300,001 and smaller
Table 1.
Spacing of grid lines/ticks.
The grid interval on the actual chart ranges from 5 to 15 centimeters (2 to 6
inches) using the above table. Ease of referencing is the main reason for the
table; the second consideration is suitable spacing to reduce chart clutter.
3.10.3 Grids on insets and plans. Grids will be shown on insets
(including plans) of charts with grids except when the inset is of a smaller
scale than the main chart. Charts composed of several plans will show grids
on each plan, regardless of the scale differences between plans. The grids
will be portrayed as follows:
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